Important Update About Dear Diary and Secrets

I’m very sorry for all the late updates for Dear Diary and Secrets. I’m also very sorry for not updating them in a while. They were supposed to be updated this summer and I have been working on them since December, I am glad to say that they’re almost done.

Sadly, it have to say that I’m discontinuing these two stories.

When I started Dear Diary, it was about a year or two ago. I had horrible writing skills under my belt that I feel has upgraded since then. Because of that I took down Dear Diary to edit it along with a couple of other old fanfictions. It’s up now as a successful fanfiction that I can look back on and smile about.

Secrets, on the other hand, was made less than a year ago with a great starting and everything. But as I’m writing these next chapters I see that I really have no idea where I want this story to go. It was meant to be a really sad and really cute story but I lost focus on the character backgrounds and story development on, not just Secrets but also Dear Diary.

Twice I thought that maybe it’s just me forcing myself to write and come up with content for these stories UNTIL ONE DAY… One day I stopped and looked over the original stories to see that some of them kind of have the same feel as the Hetalia fanfictions. I wanted to know why I couldn’t finish these but yet work on something that’s a little bit similar to what I’m stuck on. It turns out that I lost a lot of interest in Hetalia as a fandom and in media.

And I know you might be saying “Well, that shouldn’t stop you from finishing the stories. They don’t have to be completely like the characters.” This I know and I have tried to look at it that way but I still couldn’t think of anything for them.

Either way, I’m dropping these two stories whether you like it or not. I would have dropped CUT but I was already on the last chapter so I just kept that going. But to be honest, who’s really reading these anymore? I mean, thank you for reading them but I hype over both of these stories died so long ago.

I’m also taking Dear Diary and Secrets down from Deviant Art, Writer’s Cafe, Wattpad, WordPress, Figment, but not If it’s up on any other site that just means I don’t remember the logins so I can’t delete them. It will still be up on FF because they were loved. People did love them at the time so I don’t want to delete it completely. I’m so thinking if anybody really cared, I will let them continue these stories. Two people can pick either one but I’m not just giving them away to anyone. You have to have history in writing and I have to look over your stories to see if I love your skills and styles of writing. I want to fall in love with your art like you did with mine.

Again, I’m sorry to drop this stories but I have no interest in writing either one or any other Hetalia anything from here on out. So that ALSO means, Last Friday Night (that I forgot until now) will not be updated and will be deleted from and wherever else it’s on that I’ll be able to log into in and pull it down from there. It’s just really hard to write for a something that you have no interest in. But, I will say that there will be some original content and maybe some YouTube based fanfictions. I can promise those summer uploads.

Bringing Back “If You Really Loved Me”, A Hetalia PruCan FanFiction

I’m so happy to bring this back!

“If You Really Loved Me” was one of my first stories that I wrote back in middle school and it wasn’t completely finished when I took it down for editing. Now that the editing is done I’m am working on the last two to three chapters to tie it all together. This fanfiction was made when “Dear Diary” was made and came out at the same time. I took both stories down for editing and “Dear Diary” had little chapters so it was easy to put back up. These two stories where, and still are, my everything so I’m very happy to put “If You Really Loved Me” back up for those who love Hetalia.

Also, if you’ve read “If You Really Loved Me” way back when it had this cover:
If You Really Loved Me











I will still use this cover are for Wattpad and but for Deviant Art it will be a different cover. I do not know what that will be yet but it will not be this cover.

Upcoming Stories and Fanfictions

Uploading In March:

  • Finished Chapters of Dear Diary
  • Finished Chapters of CUT
  • Chapters 4-6 of Secrets
Uploading In The Summer:
  • Chapter 1 of an ImmortalFox Fanfic (not named yet)
  • Chapter 1 of an SCManex Fanfic (not named yet)
Upload Ideas That Will Come Later:
  • Sleepy Asylum: Horror, Love Story, Tragedy
    • This is about a 17 year old girl with Anxiety, Paranoia, and Depression which, after one encounter with a creepy animation at the age of 13, triggers a string of creepy internet monsters began to follow her. Or so she thinks.
  • Logged On: Love Story, Internet, Slice of Life
    • This is about a 16 year old girl who loves writing creative stories, but feels the current site she was on wasn’t great as it used to be. Then one of her best friends introduced her to a new writing site where she meets an love interest.
  • Minecraft Adventures: Gaming, Adventure
    • After a long time seeing her best friend play Minecraft on the PC, and a long time of her not being able to, they both head to a local game store to buy her the newly released Xbox Version. Everything’s all fine and happy, them playing together on the Xbox building houses… until she wakes up inside the game?

Update – 11/14/2013 : I’m Have Something New!

I have said this before on Wattpad and DA, but I’m not sure if I said it here so I’m just gonna say it now;
I won’t be dating anything til the start of next year.

This will give me time finish editing and writing the last bit of the fanfictions and have time aside of family shit.

I kind of went off and wrote a little something. It’s a story within a blog. So it’s not a traditional story written format, but as a girl living a daily teenage life blogging.

This is only up on WordPress right now, but I’m thinking about (at a good amount of post) I’ll post book one on here and Wattpad. The story is at and if you feel like reading of I have so far, that would be awesome ❤

Update – 11/2/13 – Small Update

So, because of these last 2 months of the year, I’m not completely able to work on or update anything until next year. I’m sorry. As a lot of people these 2 months are all about Family and being together and bullshit like that. Because of bullshit like that, me working on the other fanfictions will be slim. That’s not to say I won’t try to work on them. I will, just nothing won’t be uploaded until after Christmas.

In other news, I have been trying and thinking about making my own stories! These are still in planning, nothing is being  written, it’s still being planed on paper. The titles for the original stories are:

  • Logged On
  • Just Another Teenage Story

These 2 are only being planed and will not see the light of the Internet until summer 2014… I hope. I’m trying to make that a goal.

Update – 10/27/23 – Ideal Projects for 2014

For a long time I’ve wanting to do some kind of partner ship or collaboration with other people on the internet. I’ve thought of a couple of projects and ideas. Sadly, non of these won’t take full effect til 2014 and when, at least, 3 people want to join me.

  1. Linda.mi
    – Linda.mi is a writing/art group idea I had for a while. The name “Linda.mi” is simply just a name; “Linda” was a thought, a tag-along because I thought it sounded really neat. “Mi” is the start of my nickname: “Mimi”. I wanted to use my name but with something interest, so the name “Linda.mi” came to thought.

    Like I said, this group project based on writings, photography, and art of any kind. You can use this blog/site as a promote for writing or you can post the whole thing there. The same goes with photography and art. A Tumblr blog as been made for holding and my use, but I might use WordPress in the end or a long side with Tumblr.

  2. YouTube Girls Gaming Group
    – Yes, I’ve actually discussed this topic with other people on Facebook awhile back when I still had my role-play account, but I haven’t had contact with those people anymore so I’m bringing this up here. Because I’ve already talked about it this has been plained out a lot more than the Linda.mi project, though, it still needs to be edited.

    This group is only opened to girls who do game and would like to make a gaming commentary or walkthroughs on YouTube. There is not a name set for this group yet because I want to know who I might be able to get in this group. Also, you can recored a Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh dual you’re having but I’m pretty sure no one wants to see someone play Yazzie, you know. Just pick your game wisely… Unless, people do want to see you play Yazzie then, okay!

So, that’s really it. If you are interested in joining one or both of these ideal groups, comment on this telling me what you’re interesting in, if not both, we will talk further on. Please remember that this is ideal projects and will most likely not take action until after or during the summer of 2014. I’m sorry, but I, myslef, have to get my shit together before anything else. I do want to make these into reality, so I am working hard on that.

Update: 9/18/13 – Setting Up Some Deadlines

To start off, ever since I started posting any kind of stories anywhere, a lot of people asked me why I don’t update my chapter stories faster and why does it take me two months before I post the next chapter and shit like that. The thing is… I wan’t a child with free time back then, and, even though I’m doing online school, I’m still not a child with free time today.

I live in a house with 4 other people, limited computers, and I’m constantly called to do something. On top of that, I have therapy and mentoring sessions during the weeks. And I have the worst case of Writer’s Block I have ever seen! My Writer’s Block will last for so long, it even came to points where I had to force myself to write.

So, because of this, I’ve set Deadlines for myself. I’ve seen other people have weekly Deadlines, and that is something I can not do. In two days, part 2 for “I’m Not… Gay?” will be out. I can’t say what time, but it will be out before the 21st. Please note that; some stories will be put on a pause so I can finish and upload other stories.

After “I’m Not… Gay?” is updated, I won’t be uploading anything else until this month is over. Starting October 1st, another update for another story will be uploaded. I’m not sure what story, but there will be one.

Update – 8/20/13: Pom Gets Wifi Fanfiction~!

So, this is really the worst time for me to be starting a 3 part fanfiction a day right before school
starts back up again, but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. I saw that this Tumblr user had made this really cute indie game called “Pom Gets Wi-fi.” It’s a cute game that tuned out to be a lot cuter an sassy as fuck at the same time. I don’t really know when this was released but it’s really knew and there’s already role-play accounts on Tumblr and Twitter and Instagram!

I love it.

This game catches most of the fangirls and boys in fandoms on Tumblr who loves Yaoi. It’s became my favorite game in my 17 years of living. And I’ve played some awesome games.

Tumblr User: Me-Patra
Game Download: Pom Gets Wifi

Anyways, the fanfiction is about my favorite  character  Shibe (YES! He is my favorite!) and Hus who a lot of people know he likes Shibe but the game never says. The hints in this game for this ship is too damn huge! Even Pom ships it. And, we all believe that Shibe is a little gay for Hus.

I’m working on an r-18 fanfiction for Human!HusxHuman!Shibe but they still have ears and a tail… That’s not human but it kind is… Right?
This story might not be out this September but that’s my goal! I want to release part 1 before September is over.

Like I said, it will be smutty because I haven’t wort smut in a long time and I feel like I should. I feel like I need to! Anyway, it’s 5 and I want to get to sleep. I’ve done enough typing for today.

Just Finished Two Fanfiction Chapters!

It took longer than it should have to finish them but I did. Now I’m working on chapter 3 to Secrets. Right now, Dear Diary and CUT are uploaded on Wattpad and soon DeviantArt,, my other wordpress blog, and I think another site but I’m not sure right now XD. Anyways, you can read them now!

I also changed the cover art and they will soon be changed on DA as well. Just Wattpad and DA. Every other site will stay the same.


 CUT – Chapter 6


Dear Diary 6 :16+: